
Showing posts from January, 2020


Last year has been pretty tough for me. Toughest since 2013 I guess - but it's different as compared to previous ones since God has been using it to reveal a lot of things and bless me in ways that I didn't expect. --- The year started with me going through a few medical examinations for a certain condition - MRI, hearing test, blood test then EMG. It spans across the first half of the year as the waiting time for each test was pretty long. The result was good - the doctor couldn't find anything wrong except that my blood CK level was high. Yet, I was disappointed with the result. I wanted to know exactly what was wrong and expected the last test (EMG) to show some kinds of abnormalities since I was scheduled for it after the blood test. The last consultation with the doctor who scheduled me for all these tests didn't help as well; as the doctor was baffled and all she could advice was to drink a lot of water and take the blood test again next year. I was