About me

Hi everyone! My name is Vu (or some of you may know me as Matthew), a Vietnamese graduate from SMU who is currently working in Singapore. 

I came to Singapore in 2014 for a pre-uni course, planning to treat this place as what most foreigners consider it to be: a transit, a gate to the outside world and a stepping stone for my future plan. Which means getting out of here as soon as possible

After all, I didn't choose to be in Singapore because of its prestige or how it would help my career. I chose Singapore simply because US was too expensive and because I just wanted to get out of my country (that's a topic for another post - but be assured that I love my country).

But God has another plan. I came to know Christ in 2014 after my classmate invited me to church - and decided to stay because of the community and the values I found through following Christ (this will be elaborated on in another post too 😃).

Since then, even though life hasn't been a bed of roses to me, I have found much more peace and assurance in different areas of my life. 

Yes, I'm still struggling to figure out what's next at times; but knowing that there is a God who's there for me has helped me to view life in a much more positive way. Thus, I decided to start this blog to share my life story and walk with Christ - both to those who haven't known Him and those who do - so that everyone understands why being a Christian makes a lot of sense. 

For my non-Christian visitors: I hope that you will get a sense of what Christianity is about - it's not just a set of rules, regulations or placebo as you may have known. Especially for my Vietnamese visitors, I hope that you will see the church not as a political organization or a cult 😢.

For my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ: I hope that this will encourage you in your walk with Christ in one way or another. Please contact me if you have any suggestion or correction as well. 

And to everyone who is reading this: contact me if you want to discuss about theological questions or simply needs a listening ear. I hope that we will all be closer to Christ as the day goes by 😊


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